
Liudmila, Ukrainian Woman from Kanev, speaking English, Russian ID:10665

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Age49 Virgo
Place of BirthHorodyshche, Ukraine
Height5' 4"
Weight117 lb
Hair Colourlight brown
Eye Colourgreen
Last Visit2023-11-08

Marital StatusDivorced
Has ChildrenYes
Has ChildrenDaughter (24)
EducationUniversity Diploma
ProfessionDefectologist- défectologue

About myself...
Hello I am Liudmila, a single brunette Ukrainian girl with green eyes from the city of Kanev. I was born in Horodyshche, Ukraine.

I am calm, kind, cheerful, balanced, sociable. I work with children, I defectologist, I take a great interest in psychology. In family life, loyalty, mutual understanding, support of each other, respect for personal interests and hobbies of a partner is important for me. My daughter is already an adult, begins her own independent life. I'm looking for a companion in life, a man with whom I can build a harmonious relationship, feel stability.... I am looking for a serious relation with the help of CQMI Dating agency in Ukraine to be your Ukrainian wife. I live in Eastern Europe.
Hobbies and Interests
I am a Russian bride born in Ukraine. I like to learn the cultures of different countries, I like cycling, visiting theaters, cinemas, reading, I want to learn how to ski....
Searching for...
I am a single Russian bride looking for a man.
My man is calm, balanced, temperamental, reliable, loyal, self-sufficient, able to realize his ambitions, kind, focused on creating a family....

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