
Irina, Woman from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, speaking English, French, Russian ID:8348

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Age45 Capricorn
Height5' 8"
Weight110 lb
Hair Colourbrown
Eye Colourbrown
Last Visit2023-05-31

Marital StatusDivorced
Has ChildrenYes
Has ChildrenSon (10)
Wants additional childrenNo
Education2 University Diplomas
Professionclinical psychologist, yoga teacher

About myself...
I'm Irina, a beautiful brown-haired, brown-eyed girl from the town of Dnepr. I was born in Dnepr, Ukraine.
I'm feminine, kind, sociable, goal-oriented.

I currently work as a clinical psychologist, hatha yoga and qi gong teacher. Professionally, I am proficient in massage and chiropractic techniques, which I have used since childhood and studied at university. I study Sanskrit. I see my family as an opportunity to develop together in a relevant, healthy and sporty way of life, based on moral values... I have something to share with my partner, moreover, I can help with my knowledge and therapeutic skills to organize the family space in a healthy way, to fill it with harmony, if this person is ready to change and work on himself... my interests in development: the particularities of human consciousness, so I studied medicine, philosophy, psychology, the study of cultures, which help to maximize the impact of our life, to succeed in this life..... I've mastered body-centered therapy techniques, which teach our bodies and minds to relax as much as possible...... I want to find a serious and kind man and that's why I signed up with this marriage agency in 2018. I signed up with an international dating agency to meet a man who passed the test: the CQMI agency. I believe in love without borders.
Hobbies and Interests
I am a Slavic woman born in Ukraine. I lead a healthy, active, sporty, traveling, walrus, daily training, vegetarian lifestyle for 17 years. I study Vedic culture, I follow the principles of purity, non-violence....
Searching for...
I am a Russian-speaking girl living in Eastern Europe . I am inspired by men who have spiritual and social goals, who actively move towards their objectives, who have developed voluntaristic, independent, inveterate, responsible, resolute qualities... I am not inspired by men who smoke, drink, laze, who have no goals do not think about their existence, inert, passive, deceptive, with reduced moral standards .....

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